Panels - Škoda Roomster

  • Clip

    Clip for the upholstery of the boot door, for the Fabia 2 hatchback model until MY 2011, Superb 2 sedan, also a fastener for the plastic wheel arch co...

    5J0 819 055 A   Fabia 2, Octavia 3, Octavia 4, Rapid, Roomster, Superb 2
    1,21 € incl. VAT Show products
  • Stopper

    body stopper A8x22.75x20, back door fastener, intended for the Fabia Praktik and the Roomster Praktik

    N  902 016 010 1C   Fabia, Roomster, Superb
    • On Stock
    0,25 € incl. VAT Show products
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