Water Pumps - Škoda Octavia 2 | Skoda-Parts.com
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Water Pump TDI (5 items)
Coolant pump including seal/gasket, suitable for vehicles with 1.9TDI 74kW/77kW/85kW/96kW (ASZ, ATD, AXR, AVB, AVF, AWX, BPZ, BSV), 2.0TDI 91kW/100kW/...
03L 121 011 G Octavia, Octavia 2, Superb, Superb 2, Yeti- On Stock
25,06-90,50 € incl. VAT Show productsCoolant Pump TDI CR (6 items)
Water pump including seal suitable for vehicles with 1.2TDI CR 55kW, 1.6TDI CR 55kW/66kW/77kW, 2.0TDI CR 81kW/103kW/125kW engines.
03L 121 011 P Fabia 2, Octavia 2, Rapid, Roomster, Superb 2, Yeti- On Stock
29,69-81,72 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump with Thermoregulator Housing (4 items)
water pump with a thermoregulator housing, for vehicles with 1.8TSI 112kW/118kW (CDAA, CDAB, BZB), 2.0TSI 147kW (CCZA) engines
06H 121 026 DS Octavia 2, Superb 2, Yeti101,08-234,64 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.2TSI (4 items)
Coolant pump with glued gasket for vehicles with 1.2TSI 63kW/77kW (CBZA, CBZB) engines.
03F 121 004 E Fabia 2, Octavia 2, Rapid, Roomster, Yeti- On Stock
70,43-135,42 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.6MPI, 2.0FSI (5 items)
Coolant pump including gasket for vehicles with 1.6MPI 74kW/75kW (AEH, AKL, AVU, BFQ, BGU, BSE, BSF, CCSA), 2.0FSI 110kW (BLX, BLR, BLY, BVX, BVY, BVZ...
06B 121 011 Q Octavia, Octavia 222,69-87,42 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.4 16V (5 items)
Coolant pump with seal for vehicles with 1.4 16V 55kW/59kW/63kW/74kW engines.
036 121 008 M Fabia, Fabia 2, Octavia, Octavia 2, Roomster- On Stock
25,71-80,07 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.4TSI (5 items)
Coolant pump including seal/gasket for 1.4TSI 90kW/92kW (CAXA, CAXC) engines.
03C 121 008 H Octavia 2, Rapid, Superb 2, Yeti28,34-70,18 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump (4 items)
Coolant pump including gasket for 1.4 16V 63kW (BXW), 1.6 16V 77kW (BTS, CFNA), 1.6FSI 85kW(BLF) engines.
03C 121 008 J Fabia 2, Octavia 2, Rapid, Roomster- On Stock
33,18-78,60 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.4TDI, 1.9TDI (5 items)
Coolant pump including seal/gasket for 1.4TDI 51kW/55kW/59kW, 1.9TDI 74kW/77kW/96kW engines, for the Fabia model with only the VIN numbers 6Y-1X013 28...
045 121 011 H Fabia, Fabia 2, Octavia 2, Roomster, Superb 2- On Stock
29,80-73,97 € incl. VAT Show productsCoolant Pump 2.0TSI 147kW RS (2 items)
Water pump including gasket for 2.0TDI 147KW (BWA) engines.
06F 121 011 Octavia 2- On Stock
46,94-93,78 € incl. VAT Show productsPulley
Water pump drive pulley on balancer shaft, suitable for vehicles with 1.8TSI 112kW/118kW, 2.0TSI 132kW/140kW/150kW/162kW/169kW/180kW/195kW/200kW/206kW...
06H 103 731 G Karoq, Kodiaq, Kodiaq 2, Octavia 2, Octavia 3, Octavia 4, Superb 2, Superb 3, Superb 4, Yeti40,89 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.8TSI, 2.0TSI (2 items)
standalone water pump without regulator housing, for vehicles with 1.8TSI 112kW/118kW (CDAA, CDAB, BZB), 2.0TSI 147kW (CCZA) engines
06H 121 026 CP BEZ Octavia 2, Superb 2, Yeti25,97-50,12 € incl. VAT Show productsAdditional Water Pump 1.4TSI (4 items)
Auxiliary coolant pump, suitable for vehicles with 1.4TSI 90kW/92kW/132kW (CAXA, CAXC, CAVE, CTHE) engines.
1K0 965 561 F Fabia 2, Octavia 2, Rapid, Superb 2, Yeti61,81-230,46 € incl. VAT Show productsAuxiliary Water Pump (2 items)
auxiliary water pump, intended for vehicles with a BWA engine
1K0 965 561 G Octavia 273,16-119,74 € incl. VAT Show productsWater Pump 1.8TSI, 2.0TSI (3 items)
auxiliary water pump for the cooling circuit, for 1.8TSI 118kW/112kW engines with (CDAA, CDAB, BZB) engines codes, for 2.0TSI 147KW (CCZA) engines
1K0 965 561 J Octavia 2, Superb 2, Yeti67,55-256,82 € incl. VAT Show productsAuxiliary Water Pump TSI (2 items)
Auxiliary coolant pump for the engine cooling circuit, suitable for vehicles with 1.2TSI 63kW/77kW (CBZA, CBZB) engines.
1K0 965 561 L Fabia 2, Octavia 2, Rapid, Roomster, Yeti48,05-82,98 € incl. VAT Show productsAuxiliary Water Pump 1.6TDI CR, 2.0TDI CR (4 items)
auxiliary pump for the cooling circuit, intended for vehicles with 1.6TDI CR and 2.0TDI CR engines
5N0 965 561 A Octavia 2, Superb 2, Yeti- On Stock
58,03-183,71 € incl. VAT Show productsAuxiliary Water Pump TDI (4 items)
Auxiliary coolant pump for the cooling circuit for 1.6TDI 77kW, 2.0TDI 81kW/103kW/125kW engines.
7E0 965 561 F Octavia 2, Superb 2, Yeti- On Stock
52,43-189,22 € incl. VAT Show products
Product listing
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