Radiator TDI Nissens

Škoda part number:
  • 1K0 121 251 EH
  • 1K0 121 251 AB
  • 1K0 121 251 BK
  • 1K0 121 251 DD
  • 1K0 121 251 DM
  • 1K0 121 251 N
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Radiator for vehicles with 1.6TDI 77kW, 2.0TDI 81kW/100kW/103kW/125kW, 2.0FSI 110kW, 2.0TSI 147kW engines, dimensions: 648x454mm.

What cars does this part fit? [+]

Part suitable for Škoda Yeti , engines:
1.6 TDI CR77kW/105PSCAYC11/2010 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PSCFHA11/2009 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PS 4x4CFHF11/2009 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PSCFHF11/2009 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PSCLCA09/2011 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR 103kW/140PS 4x4CBDB05/2009 → 11/2009
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PS 4x4CFHC11/2009 → 08/2017
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PSCFHC11/2009 → 08/2017
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PS 4x4CLCB11/2009 → 08/2017
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PSCLCB11/2009 → 08/2017
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PS 4x4CEGA11/2009 → 05/2010
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PS 4x4CFJA05/2010 → 08/2017
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PSCFJA05/2010 → 08/2017
This part occurs in the following categories:Spare PartsEngineCoolingWater Radiator, Radiator Holder
Part suitable for Škoda Superb 2 , engines:
1.6 TDI CR77kW/105PSCAYC09/2010 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI PD103kW/140PSBKD01/2009 → 03/2010
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PSCFFB02/2010 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PS 4x4CFFB11/2010 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PSCLJA02/2010 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PSCBBB06/2008 → 05/2010
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PS 4x4CBBB09/2008 → 05/2010
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PS 4x4CFGB05/2010 → 05/2015
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PSCFGB05/2010 → 05/2015
This part occurs in the following categories:Spare PartsEngineCoolingWater Radiator, Radiator Holder
Part suitable for Škoda Octavia 2 , engines:
2.0 FSI110kW/150PSBLR11/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 FSI 110kW/150PS 4x4BLX11/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 FSI110kW/150PSBLY11/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 FSI110kW/150PS 4x4BVX11/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 FSI110kW/150PSBVY11/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 FSI110kW/150PSBVZ11/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 TSI 147kW/200PS RSBWA10/2005 → 10/2008
1.6 TDI CR77kW/105PS 4x4CAYC06/2009 → 04/2013
1.6 TDI CR77kW/105PSCAYC06/2009 → 04/2013
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PSCFHF02/2011 → 04/2013
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PS 4x4CFHF05/2011 → 02/2013
2.0 TDI CR81kW/110PSCLCA03/2010 → 06/2013
2.0 TDI PD100kW/136PSAZV02/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 TDI PD100kW/136PSAZV11/2008 → 05/2010
2.0 TDI PD103kW/140PSBKD02/2004 → 10/2008
2.0 TDI PD103kW/140PSBKD11/2008 → 05/2010
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PSCFHC02/2010 → 05/2013
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PS 4x4CFHC05/2010 → 02/2013
2.0 TDI CR103kW/140PSCLCB02/2010 → 05/2013
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PS RSCEGA05/2008 → 10/2008
2.0 TDI CR125kW/170PS RSCEGA11/2008 → 02/2013
This part occurs in the following categories:Spare PartsEngineCoolingWater Radiator, Radiator Holder

Manufacturer facts [+]

Manufacturer facts: Nissens

The company was founded in 1921 by Julius Nissen. The family business has two branches with other companies in Denmark, Slovakia, the USA and China. Manufactures original and aftermarket parts. The originals are designed primarily for buses and commercial vehicles and for well-known car models, including premium brands such as Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche, Jaguar and others.



Part origin: Nissens (European Union - aftermarket)
ON STOCK 2 pcs, if you order now, we'll dispatch tommorow, on Tuesday 1.4.2025.
85,05  incl. VAT 70,29 € excl. VAT

Product question Radiator TDI

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