Fuel Filter 1.9TDI, 1.9SDI, 2.0TDI Bosch

Škoda part number:
  • 1J0 127 401 A
  • 1J0 127 401
  • 2D0 127 399
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fuel filter for 1.9TDI 66kW/74kW/81kW/85kW/96kW, 1.9SDI 50kW, 2.0TDI 91kW/103kW diesel engines, for the Superb model from 6/2002

What cars does this part fit? [+]

Part suitable for Škoda Superb , engines:
1.9 TDI PD74kW/100PSAVB06/2002 → 03/2008
1.9 TDI PD77kW/105PSBSV10/2005 → 05/2007
1.9 TDI PD85kW/116PSBPZ06/2002 → 03/2008
1.9 TDI PD96kW/131PSAVF01/2004 → 03/2008
1.9 TDI PD96kW/131PSAWX12/2001 → 03/2008
2.0 TDI PD91kW/124PSBWW12/2001 → 02/2006
2.0 TDI PD103kW/140PSBSS10/2005 → 03/2008
This part occurs in the following categories:Spare PartsEngineInjectionFuel Filter
Service Interval PartsFiltersFuel Filter
Part suitable for Škoda Octavia , engines:
1.9 SDI50kW/68PSAGP05/1997 → 07/2000
1.9 SDI50kW/68PSAQM08/2000 → 12/2003
1.9 TDI66kW/90PSAGR10/1996 → 07/2000
1.9 TDI66kW/90PS 4x4AGR11/1999 → 02/2006
1.9 TDI66kW/90PSAGR08/2000 → 03/2010
1.9 TDI66kW/90PSALH08/2000 → 03/2010
1.9 TDI PD74kW/100PS 4x4ATD08/2000 → 01/2006
1.9 TDI PD74kW/101PSAXR10/2005 → 12/2010
1.9 TDI81kW/110PSAHF08/1997 → 07/2000
1.9 TDI81kW/110PSAHF08/2000 → 01/2006
1.9 TDI81kW/110PSASV09/1999 → 07/2000
1.9 TDI81kW/110PSASV08/2000 → 01/2006
1.9 TDI PD96kW/131PSASZ09/2002 → 09/2004
This part occurs in the following categories:Spare PartsEngineInjectionFuel Filter
Service Interval PartsFiltersFuel Filter

Manufacturer facts [+]

Manufacturer facts: Bosch

Worldwide is Bosch one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of automotive technology in the production of vehicles. Bosch is abolute worldwide leader in automotive products and services. Originally a manufacturer of electrical components, today the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of electronic systems for passenger cars and motorcycles. For the aftermarket is a supplier of maintenance parts such as brake pads and discs, filters, wipers and more.



Part origin: Bosch (Germany - OE producer)
more than 10pcs ON STOCK, if you order now, we'll dispatch on Monday 31.3.2025.
19,82  incl. VAT 16,38 € excl. VAT

Product question Fuel Filter 1.9TDI, 1.9SDI, 2.0TDI

30.11.2013, 19:45 koutník

Pozor, tato italská prvovýroba má na filtru Made in China. Možná na posílení důvěryhodnosti, kterou k tomuto e-shopu mám, by stálo za tento fakt uvádět. Děkuji

31.7.2014, 07:42 Lukáš

ano, taky jsem pro! Škoda-díly - reagujte ne?!

31.7.2014, 08:09 skoda-dily.cz

Kdyz se podivate na fotografii dilu u tohoto produktu, je tam vyfoceny originalni dil Skoda. Pro Skoda auto ho vyrabi UFI - UFI ma tovarnu v Cine, takze je tam Made in China. Meli bychom tedy i u originalniho dilu uvadet ne, ze je originalni, ale ze to je Cina? Vypovidajici hodnota by byla nulova, proto uvadime zemi, ve ktere sidli dana spolecnost. Temer vsichni velci vyrobci bez ohledu na to, co vyrabeji, maji sve tovarny v Cine a presto jejich zbozi kupujete jako kvalitni - at uz jsou to televize nebo boty. Situace u dilu neni jina, rozdil mezi cinou a UFI, resp. originalnim dilem je ten, ze tu tovarnu ridi nekdo z nadnarodni spolecnosti, kdo dohlizi na kvalitu a spolecnost, stejne jako my, za tou kvalitou stoji. Nemyslim si tedy, ze bychom matli zakaznika a pokud byste vedle sebe videli Cinu za 158,- Kc a UFI za 423,-, videli byste ten rozdil na prvni pohled.

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